Monday, September 28, 2020

Draft 1: Summary

The article, “Top Sustainable Technologies in Green Construction”, ConstructionClimateChallenge (2019) claims that green construction “makes buildings more energy-efficient and sustainable”. This article focuses on introducing sustainable construction technologies to enhance green construction. There are three main topics which are materials, applications, and design. Firstly, the technologies under materials: “Cool roofs”, “Electrochromic smart glass”, “Rammed earth bricks”, “Green insulation”, “Biodegradable materials”, and “Sustainable resource sourcing” suggests that it helps in the reduction of absorption of heat and the harmful impacts on the environment by using recycled or sustainable raw materials. Secondly, the applications which are “Water efficiency technologies”, “Sustainable indoor environment technologies”, and “Solar powers”. These applications intend to conserve resources and discourage the use of substances and materials that cannot be renewed while reducing damaging impacts on the environment. The last point is design which includes “Low energy house and Zero-energy building design”, “Self-powered building” and “The use of smart application”. They are designed to conserve and produce energy for the building to generate sufficient power. Green construction not only makes buildings more sustainable by using resource-efficient and environmentally process but also reduces costs for building owners.

Reference: (2019). Top Sustainable Technologies in Green Construction.

Retrieved from:

Revised as of 04/10/20 2351hr

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Submission 1: Formal letter

Subject: Self-introduction

Dear Prof Blackstone,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Chan Wei Ying and I am a year 1 engineering student in your effective communication module.

I have recently graduated from Temasek Polytechnic with a diploma in green building and sustainability. Before the start of university, I extended my internship with a company under the government and institution department where I was tasked to aid various schools in achieving their Green Mark certification. After working with the company, I developed an interest in this line of work; it is interesting to see how something small such as changing the light bulbs can make a building more efficient, hence I decided to further my studies in the sustainable infrastructure engineering (building services) program offered by SIT.

My communication strength is that I have the disposition to be friendly. I believe that I have a warm personality that makes me approachable as I respect people’s feelings, ideas, and beliefs.

My greatest weakness is my public speaking skills. Public speaking is a huge challenge for me. I get incredibly nervous when I am tasked to speak in front of a large and unfamiliar crowd. However, I do not get nervous when presenting in smaller groups.

My goal for this module is to be able to develop confidence in speaking to a large crowd and overcome my fear of public speaking as I have realized that this will hinder my progress as an individual and in the future when I enter the workforce.


Best Regards,

Chan Wei Ying

Revised as of 03/10/20 2048hr

Thursday, September 10, 2020

 “Employers identify communication as one of the basic competencies every

graduate should have, asserting that the ability to communicate is valuable for

obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance.”

Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson, Professors of Communication (2000)

What are my views on it?

With the ability to communicate well, good communication skills enables others to understand information more accurately and quickly. The main importance for good workplace communication is the ability to translate their ideas properly. With that, employees will be able to meet the employer's needs by receiving their feedback and making necessary changes.

Critical reflection

Looking back on the trimester, at the start of this module, my goal was to develop my confidence and to overcome my fears in speaking to a l...